The Bronze Age
The collection of Bronze Age artifacts from the County Museum's heritage is almost exclusively made up of materials belonging to the Monteoru culture. These come both from Sărata Monteoru and from the Bronze Age settlements of Naeni, Cârlomăneşti, Gruiu Darii and Aldeni. To these are added objects discovered by chance in Cernăteşti, such as the famous cizmuliţă vessel, unique in Romanian Bronze Age ceramics, bronze ax, etc.), Aldeni - Ţurţudau, Izvoru Dulce - Merei, the surroundings of the municipality of Buzău, etc. Materials belonging to the Noua culture are also present, a culture that chronologically follows the Monteoru-type manifestations.
An important place is occupied by Monteorean cups, a ceramic form often found in this culture, offering vessels, askoi vessels, ornaments (bracelets, necklaces, loop rings) but also tools and weapons of bone-horn, stone (curved knives) and bronze (celts, spearhead). A separate sector is dedicated to the necropolis from Năeni - Colarea belonging to the early bronze from the Carpatho-Danube area. From here come several Monteorene cups, an askos vessel with three ears on one side and several objects made of bone-horn, stone and bronze. The biritual necropolis of Naeni is one of the most representative in the country and is located in an area with a high density of habitation in the Bronze Age, with 5 settlements identified in the surroundings. An interesting triple burial tomb was investigated here. Equally important is the necropolis of Câlomăneşti - La Arman, located just a few hundred meters from the settlement of Câlomăneşti - Cetătăuie. And here, the research allowed the identification of a rich and impressive archaeological material. Next to the necropolises, the cult complex from Sărata Monteoru - Poiana Scoruşului, a space dedicated to religious and ritual practices, an area located in the immediate vicinity of the settlement at Cetătuia point, is also being researched.
The Monteorean settlements, currently being researched, are found on high, well-protected, naturally or artificially fortified places. Located near some important natural resources (watercourses, wooded areas, fertile soils, pasture areas) they provide valuable information about the social and economic aspects of Bronze Age communities. It should be mentioned that although they were in an area with important salt reserves (both in the soil and on the surface of the soil, as well as in the waters of rivers and streams) no traces of salt exploitation were identified, this most likely coming from the exchange commercial.