Press release
Buzau County Museum, an institution of culture, art and research, operating under the authority of the Buzău County Council, organizes, in partnership with the “Margareta Sterian” High School of Arts, the Keeping the exhibition concert program, which reached this year at the 5th edition. ARTCREATOR. The project represents a premiere on the local cultural market, aiming to bring to the public's attention both the result of the didactic-artistic activity of the teachers and students of the "Margareta Sterian" Buzău Art High School, and the act of artistic creation.
ArtCreator va permite, așadar, profesorilor și elevilor prestigioasei instituții de învățământ să intre în contact nemijlocit cu vizitatorii colecțiilor Centrului Muzeal „I. C. Brătianu”, un spațiu menit să faciliteze dialogul cultural între artiști, colecționari și publicul larg.
The project ArtCreator offers visitors the unique opportunity to enter into this cultural dialog with artists from the creative stage, which is only possible in an open studio, where the public can witness the artistic creation. Another vector of impact of the project is the possibility offered to teachers to train students outside the school setting, familiarizing them, from the very beginning of their artistic career, with museum environments, which imply certain specific requirements and rules of display.
It also aims to promote the artistic activity of students and teachers of the Art High School "Margareta Sterian", at the end of a creative cycle being scheduled temporary exhibitions at the Museum Center "I. C. Brătianu". Buzău County Museum will provide them with a semi-open space with an area of approx. 100 square meters, equipped with a video projector, projection screen, easels, large cabinets and other utilities within the Museum Center "I. C. Brătianu".
The project is a natural continuation of the partnership between the Buzău County Museum and the prestigious educational institution, which, for 66 years, has been animating the Buzău cultural landscape with passion, music and color.
dr. Daniel Costache