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  • Neo-Eneolithic

    The absolute chronology of the Neo-Eneolithic places this era between ca. 6600 and approx. 3800/3700 ​​BC The great diversity of the Neo-Eneolithic cultural groups is based on the variety of forms and decoration styles of ceramics, as well as on cultural interferences. In the local conditions of the space in which they were formed, the Neo-Eneolithic cultures developed original features, by which some can be considered as the most advanced civilizations of Europe at this time. Although strongly contested, the old concept of "neolithic revolution" introduced by Gordon Childe is based on the deep transformations that mark the transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic and which determined the present state of the human species, with radical repercussions in terms of social organization, mentalities, cultural and spiritual life. More recent theories show that a "revolution of symbols" would have occurred first, on the mental level, by imposing new beliefs related to fecundity and fertility in place of the old magical hunting rituals.

    The Neo-Eneolithic artifacts from the heritage of the Buzău County Museum manage to exemplify the transformations of that era. Most of the objects come from archaeological research carried out over several decades in the sites of Aldeni and Fulga (Cernăteşti commune), Coţatcu (Podgoria commune), Gherăseni, Moisica (Smeeni commune), Năeni, Pietrosu (Costeşti commune), Sărata Monteoru (com. Merei) and Sudiţi (com. Gherăseni). The archaeological pieces reflect the occupations of people from the Neo-Eneolithic who, apart from the primitive cultivation of plants and raising cattle, were also engaged, in the secondary, with fishing and hunting, gathering, as well as with various household crafts, previously unknown, such as pottery, whose development is highlighted by the variety of vessel shapes and the wealth of decorative motifs. To these are added the tools and weapons made of flint, stone, bone, horn and burnt clay, as well as the objects used in spinning and weaving. Remarkable are the tools and weapons made by using the techniques of grinding and perforation. In this regard, the Neo-Eneolithic collection includes numerous stone chisels and axes, unperforated and perforated, used for clearing forests and processing wood.

    From the ceramics category, the vessels belonging to the Stoicani-Aldeni cultural aspect stand out, distinguished by their shapes and decoration due to the fact that they appear in the contact zone between the Gumelniţa (A), Precucuteni (III) and Cucuteni (beginning of phase A) cultures. This pottery is characterized by the decoration of protrusions, incised lines, painting with graphite and white color or with wide grooves.

    In the Neo-Eneolithic, the spiritual life of the people materialized through the diversity of the decorative motifs of the ceramics, with artistic and magical-religious significance, linked to the cult of fecundity and fertility. Circumscribed to this cult is also the anthropomorphic and zoomorphic plastic made of burnt clay and bone illustrated in our collection by some pieces of special artistic value.

    A special category of archaeological pieces that highlight the practice of magico-religious rituals are the miniature vessels, pintaderes and "altars" of worship. The period of transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age is illustrated by vessels that merge forms typical of the two great ages.

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