Painters of yesterday, painters of today
The selected paintings were created by Buzoian artists who were born and lived at the end of the 19th century and in the 20th century on Buzoian lands, others who settled here or were passing through or had various connections with the Lip.
Characteristic in Romanian plastic art: each work hurries to reveal rather the distinct personality of each creator, those particularities that make them stand out from each other, aiming more to outline the artist's personal style, than the artistic currents that follow each other in Europe.
The importance and quality of the Buzoian plastic art lies in the fact that the artists, after initially getting excited about everything they find new anywhere, in other cultures, after creating under this influence, return to the never-ending source of popular Romanian creation. Most of the exhibiting Romanian artists-painters have as a reference point the academic art studied in art institutes. Artists, especially those of the last generation, move to the elimination of details and create original interpretations that spontaneously lead to the most convincing pictorial expression.
The names of the Romanian artists of yesterday and today are present in the same way: Ştefan Popescu, Gogu Iliescu, Grigore Negoşanu, Nicolae Ionescu, Margareta Sterian, Alexandru Moscu, Zoe Moscu, Gore Mircescu, Constantin Petrescu Dragoe, Iorgulescu Yor Petre, Ligia Macovei, Valeriu Şuşnea, Florin Menzopol, Gheorghe Ciobanu, Aurelia Tudorache, Ioan Rusu, Radu Herţug, Răzvan Mihalcea, Adina Stănescu, Luminiţa Toader and many others.